UPS Worldport Expansion


UPS Worldport Expansion

Owner: UPS

Construction Manager: Hunt Construction Group

Building: 1,200,000 sq ft

Completion: Spring 2007 – Winter 2008

Electrical Contract: $17,000,000

Peak Man Power: 165

Scope: Project consisted of numerous areas of electrical construction. AES installed two new 4000 amp High Voltage Primary Switch Gear Units and Buss Duct inter-connecting the two units in UPS Utility Room doubling their capacity. Pulled in +4000’ of (3)c 750 HV Cable in Utility Tunnels. Installed new HV Duct Banks. Installed (18) 4000 amp double ended swithgear substations, over 100 lighing and power panels, installed 80,000’ of 2 ½” EMT Pipe and pulled in over 500,000 lbs of copper wire. Reworked one existing MDF Room and built one new MDF Room with Raised Floor. Installed 60,000’ of cable tray, mounted 20 ramp lights, installed lightning protection system, roughed in 40 plus offices. Set and install an 80,000 lbs chiller substation on top of the 100’ roof, roughed in (8) Chiller Units. Also ran and installed Wireless Radio and Cell Fiber Cable.


AES simultaneously completed a $2 million dollar satellite site project while managing the lead installation above--work consisted of MCP Feeders and other miscellaneous electrical tasks. AES is honored to have served as the lead electrical contractor on all 3 major UPS World port expansion projects since 1998—noted for our superb ability to set the pace and provide lead time for their projects.

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