Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant


Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant

Owner: Department of Defense’s

Construction Manager: Bechtel National and Parson Government Services

Building: 15,000 acre

Completion: 2016

Electrical Contract: Multiple Contracts Range from $40,000.00 - $300,000.00

Scope: A team led by Bechtel National, Inc. and Parsons Government Services Inc. will design, build, systemize, test, operate and close a plant to safely destroy the chemical weapons stockpile at Blue Grass Army Depot near Richmond, Kentucky. The 15,000-acre depot stores mustard and nerve agent in projectiles and rockets. Our design concept for the pilot plant maximizes the use of existing designs and unit operations from other successful chemical demilitarization facilities. Approximately 80% of the design developed for the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant in Colorado, also being managed by Bechtel, is directly applicable to the unit operations selected for the Blue Grass stockpile.

AES has been involved with T&M Projects for heat trace to design/assist project for a 4,000 sq ft bullet proof facility.

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