Belknap Village North & South


University of Louisville Belknap Village North & South

The project is in the heart of the university's Main Belknap Campus. It is a 452-bed, five-story residence hall for incoming freshmen. It includes the 20,000sf University of Louisville Center for Engaged Learning as being part of the project, five acres of parking and green space in the center of campus and demolition on Miller Hall.

The upper four floors of each building are dedicated to bedrooms and strategically placed, beacon-like, multi-story study lounges. Public amenities are congregated on the first floors in the most visible wings of the buildings, along with spaces for two of UofL’s more important initiatives: the Cultural & Equity Center and the Center for Engaged Learning. The new residence halls are also home to several of the university’s Live Learn Communities, which have been proven to improve academic outcomes for students in similar study paths. Both entities are strategically positioned along main vehicular routes to increase their prominence on campus and enhance visitor access.


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